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Cold Case Quest: Alice Laskey, Helen banner and Carrie Walker

Chasing Destino
3 min readJul 7, 2020


Unfortunately, the elderly are victims of crime more often than anyone would think. It’s almost unthinkable. Who would want to hurt Nana or Pop-pop?

The elderly are generally victims of elder abuse (emotional and physical abuse, neglect, financial exploitation, etc.), which I have seen first-hand. Violent crimes against the elderly are slightly less common but the instances of violence are increasing.

There are the cold cases of Columbus residents Alice Laskey, Helen Banner and Carrie Walker. All three ladies were over 70 years old. They had all been stabbed in or in front of their homes. Robbery was possibly the motive in at least two of the homicides.

If anyone has any information about these cases, please contact the cold case division of the Columbus Police Department or Central Ohio Crime Stoppers. The phone numbers are listed below.

The families of Laskey, Banner and Walker need your help to solve their loved ones homicide.

Alice Laskey. 1980

On November 12, 1980, Alice Laskey was found outside of her residence after being stabbed. She died…



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